Novelties in childish parks

Porque nuestros niños son lo primero, los parques infantiles en los que juegan están reglados por distintas normativas que velan por su seguridad. Estas normativas hacen referencia al vallado, los juegos y por supuesto las  superficies sobre las que se ubican estas zonas de recreo. En este último aspecto siempre nos habíamos encontrado zonas con tierra o hierba natural, pero estaban deterioradas por el uso intensivo y dejaron de cumplir la normativa de caídas.
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Because our boys are the first, the childish parks in which they play are ruled by distinct rules that look after his security. These rules do reference to the fence, the games and of course the  surfaces on which situate these zones of re-create. In this last appearance always had found us zones with earth or natural herb, but were deteriorated by the intensive use and left to fulfil the rule of falls.
On the other hand we find us the parks with “Chineses” that is to say gravels, very amused for them, at the same time that uncomfortable and dangerous.

In third place will do reference to the parks with base of rubber, already was made insitu, the called continuous rubber, fixed by means of a composite of resins that allow to draw distinct forms and colours and the rubber in  losetas, this last by the way the most economic form and with minor useful life. These materials although very extended has not left to be controversial, his crystallisation produced by the solar rays that toughen it, do that it leave to fulfil with his main function, cushion the falls of ours sin, this is ruled by the normative HIC on falls. This rule measures the critical height of fall according to the dimension of the game in concrete, limiting besides  the surface perimetral of security to cover. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat

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